NclearOS 2 Download Features FAQ
Welcome image
Cosmos based Operating System
Legacy NclearOS also available
NclearOS 2 screenshot

CPU: x86
RAM: Minimum 256 MB, Recommended 512 MB
Graphics: Minimum VGA, Recommended SVGA
A bootable Pendrive / Optical Disk
Mouse and USB Keyboard (laptop built-in keyboard may not work)

1. Download the NclearOS2 .iso file from GitHub
2. Launch VMware Player/Workstation.
3. Proceed with steps provided on this site
4. Start virtual machine.
At the moment 0.4.0 Pre-release doesn't support Filesystem.
If you want OS to work with files download .vmdk file and use it as a hard disk in VM options.

1. Download the NclearOS2 .iso file from GitHub
2. Launch VirtualBox.
3. Proceed with steps provided on this site
4. Start virtual machine.
At the moment 0.4.0 Pre-release doesn't support Filesystem.
If you want OS to work with files create new .vhd Virtual Hard Disk file using Virtual Media Manager in VirtualBox. Then you need to format it using FAT32 filesystem - one way to do it is by using Windows built-in Disk Management: from top left corner select Action>Attach VHD. Choose VHD file created by VirtualBox. Initialize it by selecting MBR and add new simple volume. Detach VHD, run VM and format new disk in NclearOS.

NclearOS is completely open source - using the source code in own projects is allowed. Credit is not required, especially when only a few chunks of code are used.
However, if your OS relies heavily on NclearOS code / is just a modified version, a "Based on NclearOS" credit would be appreciated - in which case, if you also want to publish your system on github, I'd recommend creating a fork.

To edit the source code:
1. Make sure Visual Studio and Cosmos User Kit 20221121 are installed.
2. Download NclearOS2 source code.
3. Extract downloaded .zip and open .sln file located in folder NclearOS2.

